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Evolutionary consciousness.


ULTRAFYSIO helps people who are looking for a new, evolutionary conscious answer to modern, contemporary disease and disorders.

Evolution Therapy

Accept what you can not change. Our body is the result of a long evolutionary process.

You have to deal with that, you do not have another body. But than again, you still can influence your genetic, biological and psychological predisposition in every day life.

Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof Method is named after Wim Hof, best known as the ‘The Iceman’. Wim has shown that a human being is capable of a lot more than many thought to be possible.

If you wish you can get quick control over your own autonomous nervous system, something that was believed to be impossible.

In 2011 a scientific study confirmed that Wim’s claim was right: All people can learn how to get control and learn his skills to become a better version of yourself - healthier, stronger and more happy.

A number af scientific results have been published in international respected journals like Nature and PNAS.

Oxygen advantage

The Oxygen Advantage Method is developed by Patrick McKeown and is a further development of breathing technigues of Dr. Buteyko. The method is scientifically solid substantiated. The most relevant elements in this method are that you at any time breath through you nose, also during aerob physical effort. You can simulate high altitude training with simple and effective exercises.

Who am I?

Karel Veldkamp

Physiotherapist. Wim Hof-instructor. Oxygen Advantage-instructor.

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